Friday, January 2, 2009

Rain delays

It's now a month after our scheduled move in date...and we are living at my parents. How did this happen? Well, let me just give you a little piece of advice...if you ever decide to do any sort of major renovation involving water pipes, a new home, or anything like that, do it in the SUMMER!
Our water pipes froze solid, and my wife and I decided that we would wait until we could get the entire thing running, then we would move in. So far, I've got almost everything completed, but it's just so hard working in the cold!
I was foolish to pressurize the water system without having the skirting on the house. I knew it was going to freeze, but for some reason I just went ahead and did it! Well, the jet pump paid for my self-destructing. When the water in the pipes froze, all the pressure had to go somewhere, so it traveled down the line to the pump, and blew up the plastic housing. I figured that probably a pipe would burst, but none of them did, shockingly, that I'm aware of!
Everything else, and I mean EVERYTHING, is done, and ready to live in, but the water and skirting aren't fully complete.

The plan was to get a bunch of straw bales, put them around the bottom of the house and put some sheathing over it to keep the cold out. So, a couple days ago, I took the truck over to Claresholm to pick up around 60 bales from a farmer there. I was shocked at how many bales could fit on the truck and trailer, but it was stacked HIGH! I've got pics that I'll post pretty quick here. I tied the trailer bales down, but the truck stack was too high, so what could I do...I drove home with the teetering stack of bales swaying in the breeze. Took me over two hours for a 40 minute drive, but I made it without a single bale out of place at all!
Then, before I had to go to work on New Years eve, I managed to get most of the bales and sheathing on the house, and wrap about 60% of the exposed pipes.

Uh, time to work now...

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