Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No more Census

I know it's rare to see a couple of posts so close together, but I have thought I would like to post more often, maybe twice per week.

I turned in my stuff from the part-time job I had since April, counting people in the census.  If that sounds like a simple job, let me assure you that there is no such thing as a "simple task" when the government gets involved.  I had to draw maps, navigate roads with my GPS, and try to get people to do something that has no direct benefit to them.  In the end, it was a job, I worked as hard and efficiently as I could, and it's over.  The money certainly was well spent, and should pay off quite nicely when I harvest my garden and chickens!

Speaking of chickens, I haven't had any "casualties" for about 1 week now, and this is day #2 outside.  Verdict is = they love being outside!  They have been wandering quite a bit further than yesterday, and then back inside to eat, back outside and so forth.  I've been watching, and they are eating some plants, but not much grass.  They seem to like broadleaf plants like dandelion, and they were clustered around a depression in the ground quite a bit.  Maybe there were bugs down there, couldn't tell.  They seem quite a bit tougher, even ranging outside on a chilly day like today.  I may stop running heat at night, after tonite.  It seems useless if they don't need it.


I've been reading a lot lately, and listening to books on tape/CD/MP3.  I started listening to Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, and I highly recommend it.  If you can read that book, and feel like throwing yourself at the feet of the cross for mercy, you probably aren't a believer.  If you're not a believer in Christ, you should be.  I know that's blunt and not very tolerant, but it's the truth.  The Messiah came to call all men to Himself, and that means you.  Without him, Plan B is you face complete destruction...

Have a great week, enjoy the summer heat!

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