Friday, August 26, 2011

Website still coming soon

I know I said by the end of the week, but I was overestimating my abilities a bit, hehe.  I purchased a template, and I'm making it look good, I only just need about 10 really good photos for the front page.  I can't really use my iPhone photos, they aren't large enough for most of them, and the coloration isn't quite right.  My wife has a good camera that I'm going to abscond with this afternoon, and take some shots.

I've had a long week off, and work starts again today, but I do feel like I've accomplished quite a bit.  My best work was moving the solar panels to a more permanent position, and cleaning them off.  It's a bright sunny day, and each of the 11 working panels is producing about 90% of maximum power, maybe a bit less.  I'm getting 900 watts at peak times, which is the most I've ever had.  I have one panel that was shattered, so it's not putting out much, and one more wasn't working at all, so really there are 10 good panels running.

It would be nice to start some more projects, but I don't have much more time.  I am certainly ahead of where I was last year though, and it will be nice to have a warmer house once I insulate the crawlspace a bit more, and seal up the holes in the fabric.  I am really, really looking forward to the day when my home has more than 4 inches of insulation...hopefully next summer, if all goes well!

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